Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan​

This strategy will shape our work and our partnerships over the next five years, ensuring we lead by example and create a joined approach to taking real action. It sets out how the Council will meet the two targets of becoming carbon neutral by 2050 and to build resilience to a two-degree rise in temperature.

Climate Change Strategy 2020-2025 strategic priorities

Climate Change Action Plan​

The Action Plan 2020-2025 represents the significant amount of activity being undertaken by the Council to mitigate against and build resilience to climate change across each of the strategic priorities set out in the Strategy. The action plan will be reviewed annually.​

Climate Change Action Plan 2020-2025 Climate Change Action Plan 2020-2025

Framework for Strategic Programmes​

Sets out new areas for action which are significant to help the Council meet its 2050 targets. It estimates how much carbon savings can be made by 2050 against each programme.

Strategic ProgrammesStrategic Programmes

Find out how we have been taking Climate
Change action

Our Climate Change Strategy provides a clear direction for climate action in Hampshire.

Baseline figures for carbon emissions are the foundation for the strategy and action plan. They show where the carbon emissions are coming from and where effort needs to be focused to reduce those emissions and adapt to climate change. Find out about the progress that has been made for 2020-21 for Hampshire.

Find out about our progress strategic priorities

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