Energy distribution

We are working with the University of Southampton to understand the current energy situation in Hampshire and develop an energy strategy for the next 25 years. We are also working with the network operators to future-proof our electricity supply.

Report findings

We have worked with the University of Southampton to better understand the potential for generating renewable energy in Hampshire and its coastline, and identify what constraints will limit this potential. Read the reports to find out more.

An updated assessment of the technical and economic potential for renewable electricity generation in the pan-Hampshire area v2.0

An assessment of the wider Hampshire distribution network capacity and potential constraint points for renewable generation v1.0

These infographics show the main findings of a report into the Hampshire Energy Landscape by the University of Southampton conducted in 2021. We are continuing to work with Southampton to build a robust evidence base for our energy strategy.

  • Energy generation

    We are working with Community Energy South and Solar Together to increase resident-owned energy generation in Hampshire, such as rooftop solar panels.

    Learn more energy generation
  • Energy efficiency

    As well as increasing the amount of renewable energy being generated in Hampshire it is important that we become more energy efficient too.

    Learn more Energy efficiency