Appeal against a decision

Appeal a planning application

The applicant can appeal the decision:

  • if the planning authority refuse the application
  • if they don't agree with a condition attached to the decision
  • if the planning authority doesn't determine their application within 13 weeks

The applicant can only appeal within six months of the refusal or within six months of the 13 week date.

All appeals are made to the Secretary of State.

Find out about an appeal

You can search and view all appeals relating to our decisions on our website. We update the information daily. If you made representations on the original planning application, we will notify you of an appeal in writing.

You can search for appeals online on the Planning Portal website.

Different types of appeal

There are three types of appeal:

  • written representations
  • informal hearing
  • public inquiry

The Planning Inspectorate organise and manage all planning appeals and agree in advance what method to use for an appeal.

Further information on the appeal process

Determine an appeal

The Planning Inspectorate determines some appeals on behalf of the Secretary of State. Other appeals the Secretary of State will determine. We don't determine planning appeals.

Get involved in the appeal process

If you objected to the original planning application, we will send your letter to the Planning Inspectorate. The Inspectorate will consider your representations when making their decision. The ways you can become more involved in an appeal will depend on the type of appeal. For more information visit the Planning Inspectorate's website.