Report a planning breach
If you believe a breach of planning control is occurring at a mineral or a waste site, or a minerals or waste activity is taking place without planning permission, contact us as soon as possible. The types of incidents to report to us include:
- unauthorised tipping of waste on land (not fly tipping)
- unauthorised extraction of minerals
- other unauthorised minerals or waste development
- storage and sorting of waste such as the storage of skips loaded with waste
- breaches of planning conditions associated with existing minerals or waste planning permissions (in the Hampshire County Council area)
- minerals or waste sites operating outside of their permitted times
- lorries depositing mud on roads when they leave a minerals or waste site
PLEASE NOTE: We are not the planning authority for residential, other commercial developments and retail. Any breaches related to these areas should be reported to the relevant district or borough council. The removal of fly tipped material is also a duty of your district or borough council if it is on highway land.
How to report a breach
To report a potential breach, please email, phone or write to us:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0300 555 1389
Development Management (Monitoring and enforcement)
Hampshire County Council
The Castle
Winchester, SO23 8UD
You can also contact your parish district council or local councillor who will pass your comments onto the County Council. The identity of complainants will always be confidential unless the circumstances of the case make confidentiality impossible. Our Privacy notice on planning enforcement and complaints sets out our approach to data protection. If circumstances arises where details have to be disclosed (such as in Court) the Council will contact you first.
What will we do
We investigate any complaints received, whether it concerns a permitted minerals or waste site or unauthorised activity. The complainant will receive a response explaining what, if any, action has or will be taken.
Enforcing a planning breach
We may take appropriate enforcement action against the breach. Read our Planning Enforcement and Site Monitoring Plan for more information.