Monitoring and enforcement

Monitoring planning permissions

We carry out regular monitoring of over 250 permitted minerals and waste sites in Hampshire. This ensures the work is carried out in line with the relevant planning permissions and legal agreements attached to them. Our Planning Enforcement and Site Monitoring Plan provides more information on the monitoring of Hampshire’s permitted minerals and waste sites.

We can grant planning permission for minerals, waste or Regulation 3 developments subject to the submission of more information through planning conditions. These are known as Article 27’s. We will ensure the applicant submits these details on time and are acceptable.

Site liaison panels associated with minerals and waste sites are encouraged. Guidance on setting up a site liaison panel is available.

Monitoring fees

Mineral and Waste Planning Authorities in England receive a fee from the operator to monitor mineral extraction and landfill sites. See Fees for monitoring of mining and landfill sites in England and as amended for more information.

Enforcing planning decisions

Enforcement of planning decisions is an essential element of a development management service.

Where breaches of planning control occur for minerals and waste developments, we may take Enforcement Action. Our Planning Enforcement and Site Monitoring Plan provides more information on enforcement powers, enforcement action and other agencies who may be involved in enforcement activities. The Plan also gives guidance on what happens if there are any breaches in planning control on Regulation 3 (County Council) developments such as schools, highway schemes and at country parks.

Our Privacy Statement about planning enforcement and complaints sets out our approach to data protection.