Falls Prevention
Live a full and independent life without the worry of falling.
Steady and Strong
Steady and Strong Dance
If you enjoy dance and want to improve your balance and strength, then Steady and Strong Dance classes could be perfect for you.
The classes combine choreographed movements with strength and balance exercises to make a class fun.
Find out about Steady and Strong Dance.
Steps you can take to prevent falls
Falls are not an inevitable part of getting older. You should always tell your GP or another health professional if you have fallen, as it may be a sign of a new or worsening health condition.
There are lots of ways to reduce your risk of falling. Start making your action plan today on the Live Longer Better Hampshire website.
For further details about ways to reduce your risk of having a fall visit The NHS Choices website.
More help and advice
General advice
Get Up and Go - A Guide to Staying Steady - The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
How to reduce your risk of falling video - Age UK
A Practical Guide to Healthy Ageing - Age UK
Getting up after a fall - The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Staying Active
Strength and balance exercises - The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Exercise and physical activity for osteoporosis and bone health - The Royal Osteoporosis Society
Video library of strength and balance exercises – Later Life Training
Active at Home booklet - Public Health England
Getting active at home for older adults - Energise Me
You may need to start with seated exercises online or in your local area before progressing to standing strength and balance exercises
Self-Assessment and support
Falls self-assessment, support and advice - Falls Assistant – NHS
NHS Balance Classes
If you have had a fall in the last three months you may be eligible for support through the NHS, which can include NHS balance classes. Please talk to your GP about local NHS falls services in your area.
Falls Friends Champions
Falls Friends Champions are volunteers or professionals who increase awareness about preventing falls amongst their communities by delivering Falls Friends talks. The talks explain the causes of falls and how to reduce risks, to enable people to continue to live healthy and independent lives.
Falls Friends talks are designed for anyone interested in helping to prevent someone from falling. They explore the potential causes of falls; such as medication, vision impairment, trip hazards, hydration and how to minimise these risks. The sessions last one hour and are suitable for people concerned about family members or friends, or their own risk of falling. Our Falls Friends talks are now running online. Please see details on how to attend.
Champions receive half a day’s training, as well as all the resources they need to deliver the talks. If you would like to become a Falls Friends Champion, please email [email protected]