Please see our fostering requirements below
A spare room
A spare room is an essential requirement to foster. We believe that children who are fostered must have their own bedroom, as we think it is important that they have a safe space they can call their own. If you don’t have a spare room and you wish to support children in care, please contact us and we will provide you with details of other volunteering options that might be suitable for you.
21 years or over
You can foster if you are aged 21 or over – there is no upper age limit. Each application is considered individually.
Care experience
You can foster if you have care experience, either as a parent or in a voluntary or professional capacity. Our team can suggest organisations across Hampshire if you need to gain more experience.
Being a parent, step-parent or not a parent at all
Our foster carers each have very different backgrounds. Not all our foster carers are parents and we welcome applicants who do not have children of their own.
Lots of our foster carers have their own children or may be step-parents to children from a new relationship, and many looked after children really benefit from being in a family environment. All members of your household will be considered during the assessment and we will need to consider the wishes and feelings of your child/children and ensure it is right for them too. We will always carefully consider your children when looking at which children to place in your home.
Your marital status and sexuality
Your marital status and sexuality does not determine your suitability to foster. We welcome all applicants and have a large number of single foster carers and LGBTQ+ foster carers in Hampshire.
Working full-time
You can foster is you work full-time and many of our foster carers who work full-time offer respite care at weekends. Fostering is a big commitment and we do ask that you have the flexibility to support a child or young person.
Your health
Fostering can be stressful and demanding and we wouldn't want you to take on any tasks that may put your health at risk. As long as you can perform key fostering activities, such as the school run or paediatric first aid (which we’ll provide training for), then we will consider your application. If you receive a Disability Living Allowance, becoming a foster carer will not affect these benefits.
If you smoke cigarettes/e-cigarettes/vapour cigarettes you will not be able to foster children under the age of five, or a child of any age with any health conditions or disabilities. You will also be expected to smoke outside and away from children. If you are trying to give up smoking, we need to see evidence that you have given up for at least six months before we begin an assessment. Please see your GP for advice and guidance about giving up smoking.
We will look at your financial situation during the assessment process as we must be certain that your household is a stable environment and that you can meet any rent or mortgage payments.
Criminal records
If you, or a member of your household, has had a criminal record it will not necessarily stop you from fostering. It depends on what the conviction was for and when the offence was committed, so please discuss this with us. We undertake a check with the Police (known as a Disclosure and Barring Service check) with all our applicants and all criminal records and cautions will be disclosed.
The Hampshire Hive
You won’t be on your own when you foster.
There are so many other fostering families in Hampshire, just like you, who depend on each other. The Hampshire Hive consists of a small number of fostering families who support one another in their local area, with one foster carer known as the Hive Carer Support Worker acting as the heart of the hive.
The Hive will become a support bubble for the foster families and the children they care for. Over time families within the Hive will develop close relationships, like friends and family. The Hive families will identify any potential challenges and offer support to foster carers in their Hive to ensure the child/ren they care for remain in a stable home.
You can read our latest Hampshire Hive blog here.
For more information about the Hampshire Hive please download our Hive leaflet.
Hampshire Hives are open to new and current foster carers. If you are applying to become a foster carer, you will be supported by your assessing social worker in applying to join a hive during your prospective foster carer assessment stage two. If you are a current foster carer, please speak to your Supervising Social Worker.
If you are interested in learning more about the Hampshire Hive, please contact [email protected]

As a member of a Hive Family, you will have access to:
- Regular support group meetings for Hive Families
- One-to-one support
- Family events