Current documents for foster carers
Note: some documents may open automatically into your browser, others may be downloaded and can be accessed via File Explorer. Please click each box to expand.
Foster carer handbook
Allowances and claims
Modular files
Modular file 1 - Modular file front sheet
Modular file 2 - File structure checklist
Modular file 3 - Purpose storage and guidance
Modular file 4 - Record keeping
Modular file 5 - Confidentiality
Modular file 6 - Internet safety and the use of videos
Modular file 7 - Section page key information
Modular file 8 - Essential and statutory documentation
Modular file 9 - Key names and addresses
Modular file 10 - Safer caring strategy item
Modular file 11 -Details for overnight carer
Modular file 12 - Section page departmental administration
Modular file 13 - Delegated authority decision tool
Modular file 14 - Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Modular file 15 - Section page recording
Modular file 16 - Placement Pocket Money
Modular file 17 - Record sheet example
Modular file 18 - Record sheet
Modular file 19 - Section page incident reports
Modular file 20 - Incident report
Modular file 21 - Section page education
Modular file 22 - Section page health
Modular file 23 - Health information
Modular file 24 - Health of children in care
Modular file 25 - Health record sheet
Modular file 26 - Medication record chart
Modular file 27 - Body map for injury recording
Modular file 28 - Section page care planning and reviews
Modular file 29 - Section page memory box
Modular file 30 - Memory boxes
Modular file 31 - Memory box contents
Working Families Entitlement for children in foster care
Household review
Profiles, guidance and forms
Dental Health Care for looked after children
Foster Carers' Claim Form for Loss including theft or Damage
Foster Carers Adopting Children In Their Care
Foster carers' charter (Fostering Network)
Information required at point of placement
Template for assessment of back-up carers and guidance
Record of Foster Carer Supervision form
Foster carers request for overnight stays email template
Children in Care, Overnight Stays, Organised Trips and Trips Abroad procedure
Foster Carer Personal Development Plan
Foster carer induction booklet
A short guide to the strengths and difficulties questionnaire
Dental health care for children (See attached)
Delegated authority decision tool for children's homes
Property Insurance Claim Form (see attached)
Care Leavers Practice Manual Chapter
Record of foster carer supervision
Over night stays request template email
Overnight Stays - Overnight Stays Policy Guide
Annual parking pass for Hampshire County Council Country Parks