Hampshire Strategic Drug and Alcohol Partnership
The Hampshire Strategic Drug and Alcohol Partnership (HSDAP) re-launched in September 2022. The Partnership meets four times per year and is chaired by the Director of Public Health. Membership consists of:
- Hampshire County Council:
- Public Health
- Adults Health & Care
- Children’s Services
- Scientific Services
- District Councils:
- Housing
- Community Safety
- Hampshire Scientific Services
- Office of Police & Crime Commissioner
- Community Pharmacy South Central
- Hampshire Constabulary
- Department of Work and Pensions
- Substance Misuse Treatment Providers – Inclusion Recovery Hampshire and Catch22
- HMP Winchester
- Probation Service
- Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board
- People affected by drug and alcohol-related harm
In addition, the partnership engages with a wide range of organisations in the education, housing and voluntary services sectors, youth offending teams, coroner’s offices, fire and rescue authorities and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities regional team.
- Purpose
To provide leadership and strategic oversight for local organisations working collaboratively to reduce drug and alcohol harm through accessible, high quality, effective and person-centred drug and alcohol prevention, treatment, recovery, and enforcement systems in Hampshire.
The Partnership will work across the life course and will consider the wider causes, impact and harms of drugs and alcohol, reducing inequalities and addressing wider social determinants. It will be the key mechanism for local delivery of the National Drugs Strategy and will act as the formal Combatting Drugs Partnership in line with central government requirements.
- What we do
The partnership works together to achieve local targets by 2024/25 as part of the National Drug Strategy. These include;
- 20% increase in people accessing substance misuse treatment services
- 80% of adults with substance misuse treatment needs attending community-based structured treatment following release from prison
- 2% of people in treatment accessing residential rehabilitation
Since launching in 2022 we have:
- Produced a joint local needs assessment with a summary of key findings.
- Agreed a Drug and Alcohol Local Delivery Plan, including actions to deliver the ambitions outlined in the National Drug Strategy.
Key achievements from our first year highlight some of our activities and success stories so far.
Partnership Priorities for 2023/24:
- Working in partnership to collectively reduce stigma and enable conversations around drugs and alcohol amongst professionals, parents and young people.
- Working together to reduce barriers to accessing alcohol treatment; to provide alcohol treatment when and where people need it.
- Further information
For more information contact [email protected].
Useful link:
From harm to hope: A 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)