Young people and smoking

Resources and guidance for those that work with young people

Smokefreeme Tobacco Education Resource

Smokefreeme is a toolkit of lesson plans and resources for teachers and youth workers to deliver information to young people about smoking and covers Primary (ages 7-11) and Secondary (ages 11-16).

Smoke Free guidance

Survey on tobacco and cannabis use in school-aged children in Hampshire 2015

A survey on smoking, drinking and drug use took place in Hampshire secondary schools in 2010 and 2012 and was repeated in 2015.

All schools were asked to do the survey, with 19 responding and 7,500 pupils taking part. The schools taking part were located in 10 of the 11 districts across Hampshire and there was an even mix between more affluent and less affluent areas.

Key Findings for Hampshire Schools

  • Rate of regular smoking amongst 11-15 year olds was 3.7% (national average in 2015 was 3%)
  • Rate of regular smoking amongst 15 year olds was 8.4% (national average in 2015 was 8%)
  • More girls smoked than boys and the main reason was "to see what it was like".
  • Most young people got cigarettes from friends and tried them outside, in parks, streets, etc.
  • The survey now contains data on e-cigarettes.
  • Smoking, Drinking and Drug use amongst young people in Hampshire in 2015 summary report