Assessment of newly qualified social workers

Guidance for social workers on their Assessed and Supported Year of Employment (ASYE)

ASYE assessment requires the NQSW to provide evidence of their learning and development throughout their first year in practice. This will be monitored and assessed throughout the year using two documents:

  • Record of support and progressive assessment (RSPA) – completed by the assessor
  • Critical reflection log (CRL) – completed by the NQSW

Both documents are completed at various stages during the ASYE. The NQSW is assessed against the Professional Capability Framework and the Knowledge and Skills Statement.

Critical reflection log (CRL)

The critical reflection log (CRL) links the ASYE journey, supports progressive development and provides evidence of development.

The NQSW is responsible for completing the CRL. It can be used to reflect on their practice, identify their learning needs and demonstrate progressive development.

The CRL should be reviewed with the ASYE assessor and used alongside the record of support and progressive assessment (RSPA) which is completed by the assessor.

Record of support and progressive assessment (RSPA)

The record of support and progressive assessment (RSPA) supports the NQSW and the assessor in evidencing the requirements of the ASYE. The assessor is responsible for the overview of the whole assessment process and completion of the RSPA.

Hampshire County Council Adults’ Health and Care have prepopulated a version of the RSPA that must be used by the assessor.

Assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE) documents and supporting guidance

Support for assessors and supervisors

When assessors begin working with an NQSW, the workforce development team will forward additional information to support them in their role. This includes guidance on recording in RSPA and how to evaluate professional documentation.

Knowledge and skills statement

The Knowledge and Skills Statement for Social Workers in Adult Services was issued by the Department of Health in 2015. This statement sets out what a social worker working with adults should know, and what they should be able to do, by the end of their Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE).

The NQSW and their assessor are required to show evidence of how the NQSW's skills have developed in relation to the statement over the ASYE.

Professional Capability Framework (PCF)

The Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) is a standards framework developed by the Social Work Reform Board and managed by BASW.

The framework:

  • sets out consistent expectations of social workers at every stage in their career
  • provides a backdrop to initial social work education and continuing professional development after qualification
  • informs the design and implementation of the national career structure
  • gives social workers a way to plan their careers and professional development

The PCF has nine domains. The NQSW and their assessor are required to demonstrate how the NQSW's capability has developed over the year across all the nine domains.

Portfolio guidance

NQSWs are required to submit documents after each review. Their assessor will support them with this.

Documents, templates and guidance
Moderation process

The Hampshire County Council Adults' Health and Care process for internal moderation is based on the Skills for Care Internal Model.

  • Management of the internal moderation process is delegated by the principal social worker to the Workforce Development team.
  • The final portfolio is submitted for moderation after the assessor and line manager have confirmed it is complete. The portfolio will be moderated by a member of the Workforce Development team. It will then be submitted to the moderation panel to complete the moderation process.
  • The internal moderation panel is held on a monthly basis. It is chaired by the Workforce Development Advisor (a registered social worker) on behalf of the principal social worker.
  • Where the recommendation is a fail, or in other extenuating circumstances, additional panels may be convened to avoid delays in decision making.


Moderation panels

A number of portfolios are submitted to partnership panels consisting of representatives from local social work employers.

Skills for Care also hold national panels and will select NQSW from employers for submission of evidence.

Skills for Care: Internal moderation supporting guidance