Lepe has an extraordinary history, which includes smuggling, a crucial role in D-Day, and the Royal Observer Corps
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Audio tour
From the comfort of your home or while exploring the country park, download a self-guided audio tour and hear more about the preparations made at Lepe. The tour is given by Alison Steele and Friends of Lepe, and includes audio from veterans that left from Lepe and surrounding areas on D-Day. The audio tour was created by Lepe Country Park and New Forest National Park Authority.
Find out more information about D-Day at Lepe, or join the D-Day at Lepe Heritage Group.

On 6 June 1944, thousands of troops, with their vehicles and supplies, left Britain for the beaches of Normandy. This was D-Day, the start of the campaign to drive the German army out of France and end World War II. Lepe and its surrounding area played a key role.
Take a walk along the beach to Stanswood Bay and look at the D-Day remains and the site of the memorial for the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards.

ROC underground monitoring post
The Stone Point Royal Observer Corps (ROC) post was installed in 1962. Members of the ROC were first stationed there to monitor the effects of a nuclear blast should Britain come under attack.