July’s collection of unmissable plants.
Summer is in full bloom. With vibrant colours flourishing throughout the season as we welcome warmer weather and the beauty of the longer days, these fantastic flowering plants simply cannot be missed. So, for a stunning walk on a summer’s day, read on and find out what to see at Sir Harold Hillier Gardens this month.
Kniphofia ‘Tawny King’
The Red Hot Poker, as they are sometimes known, is native to Southern Africa. They have in in horticulture for a long time, but have had their moments in the spotlight. They were very popular in the 70’s and 80’s. they seem to be now having a resurgence and there are now many new varieties to choose from. Tawny King is a personal favourite with bronzy-orange flowers.
Althaea officinalis
(AL-thay-uh oh-fiss-ih-NAH-liss)
This is a relative of the common Hollyhock and although the flowers may not be quite as impressive, they seldom suffer from Hollyhock rust, which devastates many plants in summer. The ‘Marshmellow’ as it is known, is native to Europe and parts of North Africa and Asia.
Very easy to cultivate and flowers over a long period through the summer.
Phlox paniculata ‘Laura’
(floks pan-ick-yoo-LAH-tuh)
This species of phlox is particularly good in a mixed border or even in large containers. A wonderful, long flowering plant that comes in many colours. This variety is one of my favourites and has glorious, bi-coloured flowers. These are also good flowers for the cut flower garden and last well in water. Clumps are easily divided in spring.
Lobelia tupa
(low-BEE-lee-a TOO-pah)
A perennial Lobelia species native to Chile. Very hardy in our climate and the perfect plant for a mixed summer border. May suit the drier garden too, as it is native to areas of Chile with low rain fall. Although the amazing red flowers are in essence like any other lobelia, they differ in that the usual 5 lobes (petals) seen in the hanging basket lobelia are fused into 2. Spreads slowly by underground runners.
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Incrediball’
(hy-DRAIN-juh ar-bo-RES-senz)
When is comes to corny names, this one may be hard to beat, but one could excuse it when you see what a magnificent plant this is. This Species of hydrangea is very adaptable to a range of soil types and is a really strong grower. Despite the Latin name meaning ‘tree-like’, this hydrangea is a sub-shrub and almost herbaceous in habit, dying back to the ground in winter or sometimes leaving just a small framework of small woody stems. This variety has wonderful, large flower heads and is very showy over several months in the garden.
For information on where to find more plants of current interest in the Gardens, take a look at the guide and map.
Though our summer flowers are particularly spectacular, Sir Harold Hillier Gardens make for a fantastic day out all year round. Why not see what the Gardens have to offer you throughout the seasons with a membership? Find out more and buy yours today.