Forest Bathing

Relax, reflect and recharge

23 May 2025 10:30am to 1:30pm

Outdoor Yoga

Various dates from Friday 28 February – Friday 5 December

10.30am – 1.30pm

Friday 23 May

Thursday 12 June, Friday 27 June, Thursday 10 July, Friday 25 July, Thursday 14 August,

Friday 26 September, Friday 24 October, Friday 14 November & Friday 5 December 2025

Forest Bathing is a mindfulness practice originating from Japan and known as Shinrin Yoku.

Held outside in the Gardens, prepare for a serene three-hour journey of unhurried movement, calmness and sensory awakening, skilfully led by a certified mindfulness and forest therapy guide.

Experience the transformative ‘green prescription’ for yourself and leave with a renewed sense of vitality and long-lasting joy.

Led by Sonya Dibbin, Booking is essential visit

Session Price: £40p/p including entry to the Gardens

£35p/p per session - discount for members of Sir Harold Hillier Gardens

Use code HILMEM for member price

Led by Sonya Dibbin, please visit to book your place