10 January – 28 March 2025
Fun and learning for home educated children in our beautiful Gardens. Suitable for ages 4 -11 years, these primary school sessions will include hands-on activities, games, crafts, and learning with topics changing each week.
1-hour sessions led by our Education team.
• 7th February - Soil and decay: getting muddy with soil science
• 14th February - Campfire, snack, and craft (Please ensure we know any allergies at least a week in advance. More information about how we work around fire can be found in the letters section at the bottom of this page: https://www.hants.gov.uk/thingstodo/hilliergardens/learn/schools)
• 28th February - Meet the Arborists: a chance to meet our team, explore their equipment and learn how they look after our trees.
*Price does not include Garden admission. If you are not a member, you will need to purchase day admission tickets for everyone.