Information for parents

We work hard to make sure your child is happy, safe and supported throughout their residential trip.

We've laid out all you need to know to help you and your child prepare for their time away from home with school here at Hampshire Outdoor Centres.

Take a closer look at the centre your child is visiting or read our pre-trip documents.

Pre-trip documents

Kit lists

We provide all necessary safety equipment and protective clothing during your stay, including harnesses, helmets, wetsuits and buoyancy aids. Our kit lists are a guide to what we would recommend you bring but please consider the time of year and weather forecast!

children paddling a canoe

Young person support fund

Hampshire Outdoor Centres are pleased to offer a support fund which can provide financial assistance to young persons who would like to visit to one of our below Hampshire Outdoor Centres:

  • Argoed Lwyd Outdoor Education Centre
  • Calshot Activities Centre
  • Runways End Outdoor Centre
  • Tile Barn Outdoor Centre

We appreciate the financial constraints that schools, organisations, youth groups and parents are under. We are therefore pleased that we can still support our mission to deliver outdoor education programmes, which enhance a young person’s personal, social and academic development through a journey of challenge, adventure and self-discovery.

Parents and carers should speak to their Child’s School, Organisation or Youth Group if they require financial assistance. Applications must be made by the School, Organisation or Youth Group leader.