Young Persons Support Fund
Hampshire Outdoor Centres are pleased to offer a support fund which can provide financial assistance to young persons who would like to visit one of our below Hampshire Outdoor Centres:
We appreciate the financial constraints that schools, organisations, youth groups and parents are under. We are therefore pleased that we can still support our mission to deliver outdoor education programmes, which enhance a young person’s personal, social and academic development through a journey of challenge, adventure and self-discovery.
The support fund isn’t unlimited, so please think carefully about which individuals would most benefit or who would not be able to attend without this financial support.
Within your application, you can either apply for:
- Specific amounts for individuals.
- Funding towards the overall visit.
Whichever option you are applying for, please provide as much detail as possible about specific individuals circumstances, without identifying them or their family, and explain how the requested amount would go on to support them.
Application criteria
- Applications must be made by the school, organisation or youth group leader.
- A booking or provisional reference number from your chosen centre will be required before applying for this support fund. If you are not sure which centre you would like to attend, please get in touch with us at [email protected] where we can take you through your options.
- Please apply for this support fund as early as possible within the booking process. Applications must be submitted prior to your final numbers being given to the centre. In most cases this will be approximately 4 months before the visit. Please advise the centre you are visiting that you have submitted an application. It is not possible to fund a visit after it has taken place.
- All schools, organisations and youth groups which have activities included within their booking, are eligible to apply for this fund.
- Only young people attending one of our Hampshire Outdoor Centres are eligible. It is not possible to fund trips to other centres.
- This support fund is only for costs charged directly by the centre. Transport costs to / from the centre and any additional excursion costs are not covered.
Have a question?
If you have any questions regarding the support fund or the application process, please contact us at [email protected]
"This was a game changer! We identified some children who could not attend due to financial constraints for various reasons. These parents desperately wanted them to go, and they knew that they would flourish by attending but just could not redirect money from essential provisions for a school residential. We were delighted when we found out about this fund! It enabled them all to attend and they had the best time - literally building resilience, independence, and special memories they will keep forever. With all the Pupil Premium funding in schools being used on tuition, other trips, wraparound care and other ways of pupil and family support, school money just does not stretch far enough. This level of support was amazing! Thank you."
St Mary's Bentworth CE Primary School, 2023
"The Young Persons Support Fund is a fantastic way to ensure that all pupils are able to get the same learning experiences as those around them. The YPSF supported a pupil within our school, without which would have not been able to attend a residential visit to Tile Barn. It allowed them to grow personally and socially as they had never experienced anything like it before. They were able to develop their friendships and grew in empathy in supporting others. Without the help of the YPSF this child would have missed out on the fantastic opportunities and experiences they had embarked on over their time away. The process was straight forward and the members of the community who work around this fund are super supportive. We as a school can't thank the YPSF enough."
Westover Primary School, 2023