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  • Context and
  • need for change

The start of our journey

We are not starting from scratch. We are seeking to build upon progress to date and ensure that the approach to transport is compatible and consistent with Hampshire’s vision for the future. However, we recognise that there are still parts of our transport system that could work better, or differently.

Drivers of change

From a local to global level there are some major changes ahead, presenting challenges and opportunities. We must plan, respond and adapt appropriately.


The current global pandemic is having unprecedented impacts on society and the economy.

Learn more

Changing climate

The Hampshire 2050 Commission of Inquiry recognised our changing climate as the biggest long-term issue facing Hampshire. It recommended that the County Council develop and promote a focus on embedding climate resilience and mitigation across key policies and sectors, including transport.

In June 2019 the County Council declared a Climate Emergency. This includes a commitment to be carbon neutral by 2050.

We are facing increased flood risk, sea level rise, temperature increase and severe adverse weather events. Flooding episodes in recent years have demonstrated the considerable impacts, including to our transport system. We can not wait until 2050 to tackle climate change. Rapid action is required now.

How does a changing climate affect the Local Transport Plan?

  • Most sectors, including transport, will need to reduce CO2 emissions to almost zero (without offsetting) by 2050. Transport is a large contributor of CO2 emissions in Hampshire (37%) – mainly vehicle tailpipe emissions – and a priority area for reduction.
  • The impacts of climate change place increased pressure on the maintenance and resilience of our transport network and without suitable adaptation and mitigation will result in more frequent and severe disruption to the movement of people and goods.

Key facts and information

  • thermometer
  • +3 degrees celsius
    increase predicted by 2100.

Questions about Climate Change?

Explore the causes and impacts of climate change gathered by Imperial College London.

Frequently asked questions

Changing environment

The Hampshire 2050 Commission of Inquiry identified Hampshire’s natural environment as its most valued asset and an essential component of Hampshire’s attractiveness and prosperity.

However, evidence also shows incremental and noticeable declines across all our habitats and species due to pressures from increased housing needs, infrastructure, employment space, intensive agriculture and the changing climate.

We need to sustain and enhance Hampshire’s environment to strengthen Hampshire’s economy and society, and we should be striving for an overall positive impact (‘net positive environmental gain’) across our policies and interventions.

How does a changing environment affect the Local Transport Plan?

  • Transport can directly impact on our natural environment – e.g. through loss of vegetation or loss of views due to new infrastructure.
  • Indirect impacts from transport also result from vehicle pollutants which can be harmful to habitats and species (in addition to human health)
  • Transport has an important role in shaping places
  • An estimated 5.4% of adult mortality in Hampshire is attributable to particulate air pollution

Key facts and information

  • Hampshire map icon
  • 85% of Hampshire is rural.

    33% is designated as AONB or National Park.

    13% is legally protected.

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  • £3 billion generated annually from tourism. Hampshire is the most visited county in the south east.
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  • 10 Air Quality Management Areas (areas in Hampshire where emissions exceed standards).

Changing society

The population of Hampshire currently stands at 1.37 million and is expected to increase to 1.5 million by 2041 (a 9% increase). The 65+ age group is expanding most.

Overall, Hampshire’s population is getting older, becoming more diverse, and health inequalities are increasing.

The Hampshire 2050 Commission of Inquiry identified community and diversity as key values for Hampshire. There is a need to place a greater focus on ensuring that everyone has equal access to services and opportunities and life chances.

We need to prioritise physical and mental health within community shaping, and support equity, diversity, connectivity and sustainability.

How does a changing society affect the Local Transport Plan?

  • Travel demand is rising overall (due to population growth), but falling at an individual level (more home-working, part-time working and self-employment, and online shopping).
  • Transport plays a major role in connecting communities to jobs and services and in shaping places, in addition to influencing our physical and mental health and well-being.
  • Travel choices show clear generational differences - younger people are less likely to own a car, but older people are driving more than they used to.

Key facts and information

  • Population icon
  • 15% of Hampshire is defined as urban city or town.


    78% of the population live in urban areas.

  • Bike icon
  • People in the UK are around 20% less active now than in the 1960s. If current trends continue, we will be 35% less active by 2030.
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  • Levels of obesity are at record levels in Hampshire at least partly as a result of levels of activity decreasing. A quarter of children are overweight or obese.

Changing economy

Hampshire has the largest sub-regional economy in the South East of England and the best performing labour market in the country. Levels of economic prosperity and household incomes are above the national average.

However, the Hampshire 2050 Commission of Inquiry identified challenges in relation to pockets of deprivation, the future of rural areas, and maximising the full potential of the Portsmouth and Southampton city regions. There is also a growing disparity between local house prices, salaries and levels of income, which can result in long commuting distances. Significant employment and housing development is proposed, but many sites are located away from public transport.

Economic trends and competition continually evolve – we need to stay on top of and focus on fostering a knowledge-based and sustainable Hampshire economy. The impact of COVID-19 and Brexit could significantly impact our economy and demands for transport.

How does a changing economy affect the Local Transport Plan?

  • Hampshire’s transport system needs to stay in tune with the evolving economy.
  • Traffic and congestion are increasing, which adversely affects productivity and access to labour supply.
  • There are growing opportunities for remote working, and changing travel patterns for commuting, business, and the movement of goods and services.
  • Most urban centres in Hampshire have evolved around provision for car use, but quality of place is increasingly an important factor for businesses.

Key facts and information

  • graph icon
  • Over a fifth of all South-East exports come from Hampshire. Exports account for c.35% of Hampshire’s economic output (GVA) – one of the highest shares of any county.
  • bus and train icon
  • Hampshire is well placed geographically with excellent transport links within a globally connected region to London and Heathrow. It is an international gateway via Southampton and Portsmouth Ports, and is also home to Farnborough Executive General Aviation Airport, Solent Airport and Southampton International Airport.
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  • Although Hampshire is the tenth least deprived County Council authority area, this masks localised deprivation in pockets across both rural and urban areas.

Changing technology

The huge technological leaps of the last 20 to 30 years provides some perspective around what lies ahead and what a substantial role technological advancements will play in our future.

Three key transport technology development areas are: electrification (or zero emission vehicles in general); connectivity (and ‘big data’); and automation. These apply to both the movement of people and goods.

However, the implications of technology for transport extend beyond this, in terms of how it could alter and influence other aspects of how we live and go about our daily lives, and hence our travel behaviours and choices.

How does changing technology affect the Local Transport Plan?

  • Opportunities for better access to leisure and services (including in more rural locations).
  • More flexible and remote working patterns.
  • Better information and access to a range of modes including on a pay per use basis, through single platform applications.
  • The rise of connected and autonomous vehicles with potential safety and capacity benefits, and enabling independent mobility for a wider range of individuals.
  • Cleaner vehicles and lower emissions, resulting from the transition to electric and hydrogen energy sources.
  • However, a switch to Electric or Automonous Vehicles won’t resolve issues of air quality from brakes and tyres, road safety, congestion, severance and other negative impacts from private cars

Key facts and information

By 2040...

  • cars icon
  • 50% of all new vehicles are predicted to be autonomous.

  • car icon
  • 55% of all new car sales are predicted to be electric.

  • car charging icon
  • 33% of vehicles globally are predicted to be electric.

Want to see further evidence?

See further evidence related to changing technology and transport, produced by the Local Government Association.

The need for change

The evidence suggests that there are several issues it will be critical for the Transport Plan to address.

Learn more

Case for change

Further supporting evidence is available, please email [email protected] for copy of:

The Policy Review: This document sets out the policy framework within which Hampshire’s fourth Local Transport Plan (LTP4) needs to be developed, covering national, sub-national and local policy documents.

The Local Transport Plan Evidence Base: This 100 page document, summarised the data that has been collected and analysed in the course of developing the draft vision, outcomes and principles for the Local Transport Plan.

The Integrated Sustainability Assessment: An Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) is being undertaken alongside the LTP to ensure that sustainability aspects are incorporated into the Strategy. The ISA combines several assessment processes. This Scoping Report sets out the first stage of the ISA process.

The Baseline Report: The Baseline Report provides the evidence base to support the Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA).

Towards a Local Transport Plan: This document replicates the core content of this LTP microsite in pdf format.