- Vision, outcomes
- and principles
Towards the Local Transport Plan
The proposed vision, outcomes and guiding principles set out on this page provide the building blocks for the Local Transport Plan.
Feedback from stakeholders and the wider public will be used to refine these, and to inform development of the Local Transport Plan, supported by further technical evidence and analysis. Supporting theme based plans will be developed and published subsequently.

Our vision
A carbon neutral and resilient transport system designed around people, which: supports health, wellbeing and quality of life for all; connects thriving places; and respects Hampshire’s unique environment.
Proposed outcomes for the Local Transport Plan
We have identified a set of proposed outcomes for the Local Transport Plan which are grouped under four key themes. The outcomes define what we are seeking to achieve and provide the focus for how we progress to considering the right solutions for Hampshire. They help to establish the scale of the challenge, and hence the types of transport interventions and approaches that will be necessary.
Guiding principles
In order to meet our proposed transport outcomes, including carbon neutrality by 2050, we will need a shift in approach, with an increased emphasis on approaches which support modal shift and manage the demand for road space, rather than just supplying the extra capacity to meet this demand.
We have identified two guiding principles which are considered to be essential for the development of the Local Transport Plan and its delivery.
Guiding principle one: