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  • A New
  • Local Transport Plan
  • for Hampshire

About our Local Transport Plan

Hampshire County Council has a statutory requirement to have a Local Transport Plan (LTP) that sets out its vision for future transport and travel infrastructure. Our current Local Transport Plan (LTP4).

Over the course of the last three years we have developed a new Local Transport Plan (LTP4) which:

  • describes our transport vision for 2050, the key transport outcomes we are seeking to achieve, and the principles that would guide future investment and decision making in relation to transport and travel
  • sets out transport polices covering all aspects of transport planning, delivery, and operation (i.e. the ‘rules’ about how we would do things and how we want others to do things)
  • presents our approach to delivering the Plan – 'making it happen', setting out a roadmap to 2050 and how we would prioritise, fund and deliver interventions, and monitor our
    progress and
  • supports the County Council’s wider strategies, plans and priorities

The LTP4 reflects extensive scoping and stakeholder engagement work and was presented for formal consultation, to identify further changes required before it is considered for adoption.

Download the Local Transport Plan 4

You can download the LTP 4 plan here

Download the LTP4 Plan

LTP4 – at a glance

What makes LTP4 different?

LTP4 proposes transformational changes which:

  • shift away from planning for vehicles, towards planning for people and places
  • meet national priorities to decarbonise the transport system
  • reduce reliance on private car travel
  • gives people a choice of high quality travel options
  • support sustainable economic development and regeneration; and​ promote active lifestyles

The LTP4 Vision

“A carbon neutral, resilient and inclusive transport system designed around - and with – people, which: supports health, wellbeing and quality of life for all; supports a connected economy and creates successful and prosperous places; and respects and seeks to enhance Hampshire’s unique natural and built environment”

LTP4 Outcomes

Principles and policies diagram

Implementing and monitoring diagram