Arrival Square Improvements - Whitehill and Bordon

Public Realm New Town Centre Access, to support the sustainable economic growth potential in Whitehill and Bordon, and to encourage walking and cycling.

Last update: January 2025

Latest Update

Hampshire County Council has delivered the improvement works on behalf of the Whitehill and Bordon Regeneration Company and appointed Mildren Construction Ltd to carry out the construction works. Works started on Monday 9 January 2023 and completed in July 2023.  The road is now open to two-way traffic, please watch the video and see the before and after visuals.

Scheme Overview

The Arrival Square transport scheme will provide the appropriate infrastructure to access the new town centre development as a destination from the North, South and East of Whitehill and Bordon. It will also connect residents living in the existing housing developments to the new town centre development.
The scheme will provide measures to manage traffic whilst encouraging through traffic to use the A325 Relief Road instead of travelling through the town

The overall aims of this scheme:

  • To reduce the volume and speed of through traffic on the C114 in Whitehill and Bordon;
  • Promote active travel and providing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists;
  • Aims to provide improved bus facilities in the town centre;
  • To promote better connectivity between the east and west of the town.

The scheme improvements;

The existing carriageway between Chalet Hill and Budds Lane has been narrowed to 6 metres to allow for a new bus lay-by and realigned kerbing on the west verge.
Construction of a mini-roundabout has replaced the existing traffic signal junction at the junction of High Street and Chalet Hill. (This mirrors the constructed mini-roundabout at the Budds Lane junction).

Controlled parallel crossings provided north of the Chalet Hill junction and south of the Budds Lane junction to enable safe crossing of pedestrians from east to west and vice versa. A traffic light controlled crossing provided south of Chalet Hill to provide safe access to the new leisure centre, health hub and town centre. Improvements to the condition of existing highway, including street lighting, carriageway and footway surfacing and the highway drainage system.

Hampshire County Council worked in partnership with Scottish Southern Energy (SSE) to align individual projects in Bordon.   

The scheme was approved for implementation by the Executive Member for Highways Operations at the Decision Day on the 10 March 2022.

Funding Arrangements

Funding for the transport capital delivery schemes is separate from the County Council’s revenue budget and savings proposals.  In the majority of cases funding comes from external grants and / or Section 106 contribution from developers.  This funding usually has conditions that strictly control on how, where and when it can be spent.

View the plan
Arrival Square Plan
Roadworks and Travel Advice

Visit One.Network which is where the planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.


My Journey - travel information and travel advice choices in Hampshire.

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SO23 8UD