Manydown to Basingstoke Town Centre Cycle Route

Improvements to cycle facilities

Last update: February 2025

Latest updates

Hampshire County Council appointed Rocon Contractors Ltd who carried out the improvements to the existing shared cycleway and footpath link between Houndmills and Churchill Way. Upgrade to the street lighting has recently been completed.  Painting of a mural in the tunnel will be undertaken this year.

Please see the before and after visuals.

The improvements include;

  • Widening the existing path to provide a 3m wide cycle track and 2m wide footpath;
  • Upgrading the current street lighting.

Further information on the improvements for this section can be viewed in this plan.

The Director of Universal Services formally approved the Project Appraisal on 22 August 2023 to upgrade a section of existing segregated cycleway/footpath. Please view the Decision Report.

Scheme overview

The proposed cycle route, which will link the new Manydown residential development with Basingstoke Town Centre via Winklebury. This aims to provide a high quality cycle route that aims to maximise the number of people cycling to / from Manydown. The route will also provide a new cycling facility for existing residents and businesses along the route.  Please view the full route location plan.

Following the public and stakeholder engagement earlier this year, a report was taken to the Executive Lead Member for Transport and Environment Services Decision Day on the 3 October to progress further work on the scheme. The report outlines the preferred scheme design to be taken forward to further design work, including the latest proposals for the Ringway crossing. The scheme proposals were generally well received in the engagement. However, the preferred scheme takes account of comments made through the engagement.

Feedback Survey Results

The report summarises key findings from the feedback survey which took place from 13 February to 20 March 2022. This was an opportunity for local residents and businesses to provide their views on the proposed improvement scheme.  The information pack is still available to view.

Funding Arrangements
Funding for the transport capital delivery schemes is separate from the County Council’s revenue budget and savings proposals. In the majority of cases funding comes from external grants and / or Section 106 contribution from developers. This funding usually has conditions that strictly control on how, where and when it can be spent.
Roadworks and Travel Advice

Visit One.Network which is where the planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.

My Journey - travel information and travel advice choices in Hampshire.

Contact us
Universal Services
Hampshire County Council
The Castle

SO23 8UD