A3057 Junction Improvements; Redbridge Lane/Bakers Drove & Nursling Street/Horns Drove

Last update: September 2024

Latest Update

Traffic Management Update 

Temporary road closure of the A3057 at the junctions of Bakers Drove and Redbridge Lane.

Overnight closures will be in place for three nights from Friday 6 September to Monday 9 September with the permitted working hours between 8pm to 6am. Access will be maintained during the closures to all residents via our diversion routes, which can be found below. A series of further night-time closures (8pm to 6am) will be required from 16 September for resurfacing of the main carriageway. Full details of the phasing and duration will be provided on here and there will be signs on site from 11 September.

Details of the suggested diversion route during this period.

Access to resident’s properties within the works areas will be maintained and access will be available for emergency services during this time.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused during this time. Further details will be updated on this page as the works progress.

Mildren Construction Ltd have been appointed to carry out the junction improvement works. The main construction work is due to start in February 2024 and expected completion by winter 2024.

Permitted Working Hours

  • Monday to Friday between 7am - 6pm.
  • When required:
  • Nightworks will operate between 7pm – 6am;
  • Saturdays, Sundays & Bank Holidays will be between 7am - 6pm;
    Any work that may be required on weekends and Bank holidays will be updated on our webpage prior to the works.

Please view the construction presentation  and the new road layout drawings for further details of the scheme.

The focus of the first phase will be the site clearance and tree maintenance works by our sub-contractor, Uptons. During this phase, eight trees will be removed, two of which are due to be felled for safety reasons following the fire last year. 17 new trees will be planted as part of the mitigation plans within close proximity to the scheme in 2025. Most of the works will be carried out on the verges and footways.

Traffic restrictions maybe required and will be carried out under temporary four way traffic lights over the Bakers Drove/ Redbridge Lane/ A3057 junction and will be in operation between the hours of 9am and 4pm. This is to ensure safe working areas are provided for the site staff and the travelling public.  

The nature of the works will cause some disruption and inconvenience however, every effort will be made to keep this to a minimum. We would ask that you allow extra time for your journey.

During the construction, all pedestrian crossings and footpaths will remain accessible to the public. If there are any changes, advanced local signs will be in place and this web page will be updated prior to the works.
The eastbound bus stop at the top of Bakers Drove and the westbound after Redbridge Lane will both be suspended for the duration of the scheme. To see the alternative bus stops, please see the plan in the construction presentation.

Please see the traffic management plans.
Scheme overview

The A3057 is an important route linking Southampton City Centre and Romsey. It provides access to the M271 and M27 from surrounding areas and is an important public transport corridor providing links to schools and employment. Due to recent housing and school developments in the area, the junctions at Redbridge Lane/Bakers Drove and Horns Drove/Nursling Street have been identified as a planning requirement as requiring improvement for both vehicles and non-motorised users. Hampshire County Council has secured funding from local developments at Redbridge Lane and Rownhams Lane to provide these required improvements.

Approval to progress with implementation of the scheme was given at the Executive Lead Member for Universal Services Decision Day on 13 March 2023.

Feedback Survey Results

The report summarises key findings from the feedback survey which took place from 14 November 2022 to 8 January 2023 . This was an opportunity for local residents and businesses to provide their views on the proposed improvement scheme.  You can still read the information pack .

Please see the summary table with key points of 'what you said' and we have listened to your concerns and provided a response to the most common comments from the feedback survey.

Funding Arrangements
Funding for the transport capital delivery schemes is separate from the County Council’s revenue budget and savings proposals. In the majority of cases funding comes from external grants and / or Section 106 contribution from developers. This funding usually has conditions that strictly control on how, where and when it can be spent.
Roadworks and Travel Advice
Visit One.Network which is where the planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.

My Journey - travel information and travel advice choices in Hampshire.
Contact us
Universal Services
Hampshire County Council
The Castle

SO23 8UD