Redbridge Causeway to Eling, including Totton - Pedestrian and Cycle Improvements

Transforming Cities Fund

Last update: January 2025

Latest Update
Please view progress photos for this scheme. (Microsoft Sway document)

The appointed contractor Milestone Infrastructure Ltd carried out footpath/cycleway improvements to the existing shared use footway/cycleway between Redbridge Causeway and Rushington Roundabout, mostly on the southern side of the A35 Totton Bypass with a connection to Eling Lane. This scheme links to the Eling to Holbury cycle improvement works

The highway improvements included widening of the footpaths at the following locations;

  • Redbridge Causeway to link to the Totton Bypass footpath;
  • Eling up to Totton Bypass footbridge;
  • Totton Bypass to Eling Lane footpath.

The benefits of the scheme;

To encourage people to either walk or cycle as their first choice of local travel to access facilities and services in the Waterside area.
To improve pavements and existing cycle routes to ensure they are clearly signed and marked.

Scheme overview

This scheme comprises improvements to the existing shared use footway/cycleway between Redbridge Causeway and Rushington Roundabout, mostly on the southern side of the A35 Totton Bypass with a connection to Eling Lane. The scheme has been identified as being on a key route between Southampton and those local communities along the Waterside.  Please view the location and proposed improvement plan.

This is a busy route for cyclists travelling to and from Southampton for commuting and leisure purposes and a key aim of the scheme is to encourage more people to either walk or cycle as a first choice of local travel. This improved route connections to Southampton City Councils Cycle Network Route 1 and National Cycle Network Route 236.

This scheme will improve footways, footpaths, existing cycle routes to ensure they are clearly signed and marked with the aim to improve opportunities for cycling and walking, reducing car use and offering healthy travel alternatives.

Pedestrian and cycle improvements will consist of widening the following:

  • The footway alongside the west bound exit slip road from Redbridge causeway;
  • Footway alongside west bound exit slip road from Redbridge Causeway towards Commercial Road;
  • The existing footpath from Redbridge causeway to the link to Totton Bypass footway;
  • The footway link between Eling Lane and Totton Bypass including improved crossing priority buildout on Eling Lane;
  • Footpath link from Eling Lane up to Totton Bypass footbridge.
In 2019, Hampshire County Council welcomed news of the successful outcome of a funding bids to the Department for Transport (DfT), securing £5.7 million , to improve walking, cycling and public transport within the Southampton City Region. This funding is for capital investment in infrastructure to support and encourage active and sustainable travel from the outlying residential areas to key economic areas nearer the City Centre. 
 The Project Appraisal was approved on 18 July 2022 - Executive Lead Member for Transport and Environment Strategy Decision Day, Executive Member for Highways Operations Decision Day and Executive Member for Climate Change and Sustainability Decision Day.
Funding Arrangements

Please visit Transforming Cities Fund Southampton web page for further details.

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