Park Road South

Transforming Cities Fund - capacity improvements in Havant

Last update: January 2025

Scheme Completed

Park Road South fully open to all road users in December 2023. The footway is now open and enables access to the rear entrance to Bosmere Junior School and A27 Langstone Roundabout footbridge. A replacement bus shelter has now been installed and a new Real Time Passenger Information system, to allow passengers to see the departure times for upcoming buses. 

Please view the completion presentation.

Hampshire County Council appointed Mildren Construction Ltd. who carried out the main works for improvements on Park Road South, Havant between Solent Road and A27 Langstone Roundabout.

Tree Clearance Works Completed
Monday 25 September, the appointed contractor ‘Foremost Tree Surgeons’ carried out the tree clearance works.

Following an inspection of the wider area by a County Council arboriculturist, a high proportion of the trees adjacent to or within the site are ash and have been found to be suffering from Ash Die Back. For safety these trees were removed and as a result of this, the trees to the front of the bank were exposed to strong coastal winds and therefore needed to be felled for safety. All trees that can be retained safely have been kept.

To mitigate the loss of trees, replanting was carried out with a broader range of species and in greater numbers. Following replanting there is a net increase in trees in the site area.

See the extent of the tree clearance works.

Construction Information Pack
Details of the construction works can be found in the Construction Information pack, including the aims and benefits of the scheme, the works programme and traffic management arrangements.

Scheme overview

By widening Park Road South between Solent Road and the A27 Langstone Road roundabout, the scheme aims to alleviate congestion and improve traffic movement. The added network capacity should lead to journey time savings for southbound vehicles. Buses accessing Hayling Island will benefit, making public transportation more efficient. Southbound traffic heading toward Emsworth, Chichester, and Portsmouth will also experience improved travel times.

Key scheme features include;

  • Reducing the speed limit along the affected section of Park Road South, from the current National Speed Limit to 30mph, consistent with the rest of Park Road South, making the area a safer and more attractive route for walking.
  • Provision of a new bus shelter relocated to an appropriate location for the revised bus stop area.
  • Widening the pavement, will make it safer and pleasanter for people walking along this route and provide access to those that travel to/from Bosmere Junior School including the Park and Stride scheme between Tesco and school.
  • Widening the Park Road South southbound road from the existing bus stop layby to provide a third lane approaching the A27 roundabout to provide a longer dedicated left turn lane for eastbound A27 traffic towards Emsworth and Chichester.

 Approval to progress with implementation of the scheme was given at the Executive Member for Environment and Transport Decision Day 10 March 2022.
Feedback Survey Results

The report summarises key findings from the feedback survey which took place from 22 September to 19 October 2021. This was an opportunity for local residents and businesses to provide their views on the proposed improvement scheme. The information pack is still available to view.

Funding Arrangements

Hampshire County Council, Portsmouth City Council and the Isle of Wight Council have jointly secured nearly £56 million of funding from the government's Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) to improve the way people travel around Portsmouth, Gosport, Fareham, Waterlooville , Havant and the Isle of Wight.

This funding will support the delivery of the Park Road South capacity improvements along with 22 other schemes across the region which include improvements for walking, cycling and bus travel and provide an important next step for the three authorities towards developing a rapid transit network for the area.  For more information please see the funding bids.

Hampshire County Council will be delivering a further seven TCF schemes in Havant, Gosport and Fareham;

Roadworks and Travel Advice
Visit One.Network which is where the planned works are published and is an independent platform that allows real-time monitoring of all the UK’s roadworks and diversions.

My Journey - travel information and travel advice choices in Hampshire.
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