Household waste
Find out what to do with your household waste
Animal waste
Reduce your waste
Did you know that some brands of animal bedding are compostable? Check your packaging for advice.
Visit Smart Living for a handy guide to composting from start to finish.
Dispose of your waste
You can deposit a maximum of two bin bags of animal waste (domestic pets only) per household per day at your local HWRC.
Make sure that your animal waste is double bagged before your arrival. If you have more than two bags per day, contact a private disposal company.
What happens to your waste?
The contents of your household waste bin will be sent to one of three Energy Recovery Facilities (ERFs) in Hampshire, where it will be safely incinerated. Each year, the three ERFs generate enough electricity to power 53,000 Hampshire homes!
Mixed recycling collected from Hampshire households is sorted at one of two Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) in Hampshire. The MRFs sort your recycling into different material streams to be recycled into new items.
Less than 5% of Hampshire's household waste is sent to landfill.
Find out more about what happens to your waste
It is your duty of care to dispose of your waste correctly. You could be fined an unlimited amount by your local council if your waste ends up fly tipped. Find out more