Equality objectives and Zero Tolerance statement

Equality objectives

Hampshire County Council is committed to ensuring that all people in Hampshire enjoy being part of strong, inclusive communities, and that it continues to be an inclusive employer with a diverse workforce.

The County Council will support the aims of the Equality Duty by seeking to:-

  • ensure that services are inclusive and diverse, proactively increasing understanding between and within communities
  • attract and retain a diverse workforce, with equal opportunities for career progression
  • ensure zero tolerance of harassment, discrimination, bullying and abuse, dealing effectively with incidents when they occur

Hampshire County Council's Zero Tolerance statement

Hampshire County Council is a diverse organisation. We take pride in promoting, valuing and celebrating diversity as an inclusive employer.

As a public body serving Hampshire, we seek to ensure zero tolerance of harassment, discrimination, bullying and abuse and will respond promptly to any incidents of these.

We are committed to advancing equality and inclusion in all our responsibilities – as an employer, as a provider and commissioner of services, and as a partner in the local economy. All County Council staff, as well as staff delivering services we have arranged, are entitled to be treated with respect by those they work with or for.