Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan - Partial Update: Regulation 19 Proposed Submission Consultation

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Regulation 19 Consultation on the Proposed Submission Plan

The draft Hampshire Minerals and Waste plan has been subject to a wide range of updates and amendments taking account of technical evidence and considering consultation responses.

The latest version is called the ‘Proposed Submission Plan’. A second formal consultation is now being held and provides an opportunity for you to have your say on the Plan before it is passed on, along with any comments, to the Secretary of State and a planning Inspector.

The Proposed Submission Plan has been approved by all five Local Planning Authorities, Hampshire County Council, Southampton City Council, Portsmouth City Council, New Forest National Park Authority and South Downs National Park Authority (collectively known as the Hampshire Authorities).

The Hampshire Authorities are inviting feedback from statutory consultees, stakeholders, communities, local organisations and businesses on the Proposed Submission Plan.

The Proposed Submission Consultation will be run for 8 weeks between 9am on 9 January 2024 and 11:59pm on 5 March 2024. The full evidence base will also be published at that time. If you have any further question, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

Proposed Submission Consultation

Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan – Partial Update:
Regulation 19 Consultation Survey

If you do not wish to respond to the consultation online, you can also download the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan Partial Update: Regulation 19 Consultation Response Form.

The response form can be submitted:

  • by email to [email protected]
  • or by post to Minerals and Waste Planning Policy, EII Court South, 3rd Floor, The Castle, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 8UH

While we will accept representations submitted via email and post, we strongly encourage the use of the online survey or downloadable response form. This is to ensure that any representation contains the required information and complies with the regulations.

All representations submitted to us will be handled in accordance with the Minerals and Waste Planning Policy Privacy Notice.

If you have any further question, please check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

Key documentation

Here you can find the Proposed Submission Plan and other supporting documentation.

Key Proposed Submission Plan consultation documents

Key Proposed Submission Plan documents

Key supporting documents

The Proposed Submission Plan is supported by a number of evidence base documents. Comments are welcomed on them: