Nature recovery strategy for Hampshire

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View at Ashford Hangars nature reserve with highland cows

Nature recovery is all about how we restore habitats, protect wildlife and combat climate change through collective action. It is a hands-on and community/partnership approach.

In 2024, we ran a survey to find out your views on nature recovery. We were delighted to receive 1500 responses highlighting areas across Hampshire, including Southampton and Portsmouth, which would benefit from nature recovery. You can look at the data provided through these responses: Survey Results Map, Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Hampshire.

We also ran a series of workshops between January and March 2024 to hear your views on specific topics linked to nature recovery, with over 450 attendees joining us online and in-person. You can read the reports from these workshops.

Work continues on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Hampshire. You can stay up to date with our progress by signing up for our newsletter: Local Nature Recovery Strategy sign up.