Petersfield Pulens Lane improvements
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Understanding the local opinion on proposed traffic calming measures to help inform future designs to improve safety for all road users
The Petersfield Strategy Group* identified Pulens Lane and Heath Road East for priority improvements due to the high number of collisions and accidents at the Durford Road junction and speeds regularly exceeding the 30mph limit along the route.
Research objectives
This engagement exercise sought to understand local opinions on the proposed plans about the following:
- making the road safer for all users
- making roads easier to cross
- improving the experience of walking and cycling in the area
- likes and dislikes of the proposed plans to help inform future design
The engagement exercise was carried out using a feedback form (online and available in other formats), which was available from 20 November 2023 to 7 January 2024. On 22 November 2023, an in-person information event took place, offering members of the public and stakeholders an opportunity to find out more about the scheme. People were also able to submit unstructured responses, e.g., via email or letter.
Most respondents agreed that the proposals would improve road safety for walking/ wheeling, cycling, and driving. Most respondents agreed that the proposals would make crossing the road easier and make the area more pleasant for walking and wheeling.
There were different opinions on whether cycling would be improved depending on the location.
There were mixed views on the right turn ban at the A272 London Road junction.
The Durfold Road crossroads received the most additional suggestions, with traffic lights and formal pedestrian crossings most frequently requested.