Consultation on the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Hampshire for 2025

Open until

Street view

Hampshire County Council is seeking residents’ and stakeholders’ views on its draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). Your feedback will help inform further development of the PNA which will be published in October this year. Every health and wellbeing board is required to assess the need for pharmaceutical services in its area and to publish a statement of its assessment.

The consultation is open from 20 January 2025 until 11:59pm on 21 March 2025.

Note that responses received after this time will not be included in the findings report.

How to have your say

Before giving your views, we ask you to read the draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.

There are also two appendices which support this document:

You are invited to give your views on the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.

You can do this by using the online Response Form.

Complete the Response Form to give us your views.

If you require a paper copy of the draft PNA or the Response Form, or if you have any queries about the consultation, please contact [email protected] or call: 0300 555 1386*.

You can also email your response directly to Hampshire County Council using the email [email protected]

This Information Pack and the Response Form are available in other formats such as easy read, large print, audio and Braille. To obtain an alternative format, please email [email protected] or call: 0300 555 1386*.

* Calls from a landline will be charged at the local rate, although mobile phone charges may vary.

Give us your views