Consultation on the Enlargement of Shepherds Down Special School, Winchester

Closed on

Hampshire County Council wishes to consult you on the proposal to increase the capacity of Shepherds Down Special School, Winchester. The Shepherds Down Special School is a 170 place special school for 4-11 year olds with Profound and Multiple, Complex and Severe Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD), Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) and Speech, Language and Communication (SLCN).

The Proposal

It is proposed to increase the number of places by 20 from September 2024, with the new agreed total place number being 190.

The school has identified an area of land that can house a two-classroom modular building adjacent to some play space. The creation of additional parking spaces will also be included in the project scope.

The Consultation

The primary purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of consultees on the principle of enlarging the school to meet the demand for additional school places in the local area. We understand that you may have some questions regarding how the school buildings will be expanded to accommodate additional pupils and whether there will be an impact on travel to and from the school as a result of accommodating additional pupils. It is important to hear your views at this stage so we can consider them as part of the detailed work to be undertaken should approval to the enlargement be obtained.

Further Information

A drop-in session where you will be able to discuss the proposal with Hampshire County Council officers will take place on Wednesday 7 February between 3:30pm – 6pm at Shepherds Down School, Winchester.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Existing floor plan

Proposed floor plan

The current proposed building and site layout plans together with parking are being developed with the Headteacher and governing body.

If you are unable to attend this session wish to make a comment, please write to Claire Campling, Assistant SEN Service Manager, Children’s Services Department, EII Court North, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8UG or e-mail [email protected] by Friday 23 February 2024.