Petition - Proposed closure of Desborough Road

Response from Hampshire County Council, October 2021

Thank you for your letter dated 17 August 2021 in which you enclosed copies of the petition objecting to a section of the wider Eastleigh Town Cycle Scheme, which is proposed as part of the Southampton City Region Transforming Cities Fund Programme. As you will be aware, the petition has been checked and verified by Democratic & Member Services team following our established process.

As you will be aware, the Eastleigh Town Cycle Route proposals (which include the proposed crossing on Chestnut Avenue, closure of Desborough Road junction with Chestnut Avenue and Arnold Road being restricted to “right turn out only”) were subject to public consultation between 12 July and 20 August 2021. Now that this consultation has closed, the responses are in the process of being analysed and the results of this consultation will be published in advance of the scheme being presented to me at a future Decision Day early next year.

The number of signatories who have signed the petition and the locations where the petitioners live will be taken into account alongside the consultation results in future decision-making by the County Council about the Eastleigh Town Cycle Route proposals.

Yours sincerely

Cllr Russell Oppenheimer
Executive Member for Highways Operations