Petition - Green man crossing on Romsey Road at St James’/Clifton Terrace

Response from Hampshire County Council, January 2018

Thank you for providing the petition which demonstrates the wish to see a pedestrian crossing implemented on Romsey Road, close to the junction with Clifton Terrace.

I am pleased to confirm that design work to construct such a crossing started a while ago, and drawings are currently being prepared with a view to holding a public consultation on the proposed crossing in the Spring of 2018.

As part of the design process, careful consideration is having to be given to where displaced traffic (caused by the necessary banning of some traffic movements into and out of Clifton Terrace) will relocate to, to ensure we do not cause undue problems on the very narrow local roads. The adjustment of the 20mph will also be considered.

I trust this is positive news, and would welcome your formal comments when the public consultation event is held, which will be advertised in due course.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond.

Yours sincerely

Councillor Rob Humby
Executive Member for Environment and Transport