Petition - Request for double yellow lines in Kitwalls Lane, Milford on Sea
Response from Hampshire County Council, November 2021
Thank you for your petition regarding the obstructive parking on Manor Road opposite the junction with Kitwalls Lane in Milford on Sea.
There is often an expectation that providing yellow lines or other parking restrictions are a quick/low-cost measure, but this is not the case. The provision of any formal parking restrictions requires implementation of a legally enforceable Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), which is a relatively costly and lengthy process including formal consultations and advertisements. It is also a resource intensive process, and the cost of the parking signs and road markings is usually minimal compared to the staff resources and legal costs involved.
If the County Council was to review the restrictions where currently there are none, we would need to ensure that there is public support and fully understand the impact that any amendments would have, this would include the residents affected by new restrictions that live on Manor Road. I can confirm that we investigate all safety concerns raised with us, before replying, by examining the police database of injury collisions to identify whether a location should be a priority for further investigation. We also consider reports of minor collisions not resulting in injury, where we are aware of them, and other issues recorded on our highway enquiry database and if the location is where this issue has been raised by others. Manor Road and it’s surrounding roads have a good safety record. The congestion around school opening and closing is a common issue. In these situations, where drivers are making quick stops to drop off and collect children, parking regulation is often flouted as civil enforcement resources cannot be provided at a level to ensure compliance at every school across the county.
I note your concern regarding access for emergency vehicles. Occasionally the emergency services will refer locations to us where they have experienced a particular issue, but these incidents are rare, and they will usually obtain access in emergency situations.
We are now aware of the issues and will consider your request and place it on a list of possible schemes. This does not guarantee its inclusion in a future programme of works but does show I trust that we have recognised your concerns and take all safety issues into consideration before deciding our course of action. Demand for parking controls outstrips our resources so we will only address the ones at the top of the priority list.
I appreciate this may not be the response you were hoping for, and I am sorry I am unable to do more to help at this time.
Kind regards
Cllr Russell Oppenheimer
Executive Member for Highways Operations