Stubbington Study Centre
Privacy Notice for parents of children attending holiday activity courses
Why do we collect and use this information?
Stubbington Study Centre is a service within Hampshire County Council and as such, the County Council is the organisation responsible for processing your information (the Data Controller). Stubbington Study Centre collects and uses yours and your child’s information in order to deliver a safe and appropriate service for visiting children.
We collect information about you and your child. We hold this personal data and wider information securely and use it to deliver this sold service to:
- process your booking
- contact you in case of follow up queries surrounding your booking
- contact you in case of an emergency during your child’s visit
- help us organise each day for your child, including medical and accessibility needs
- contact you about future courses at the centre, and
- ensure compliance with our obligations under the accuracy principle of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (Article (5)(1)(d)), making sure our records about you and your family are up to date
The following sections provide further detail around the information we process, setting out what allows us to do this (lawful basis), who we may share it with, how long we keep it for (the retention period), alongside identifying any rights you may have and who to contact if you think we’re not handling your information in the right way.
The categories of information that we collect, hold and share
The following personal and special category information is processed:
- yours and your child’s personal information (name, address, date of birth, email, phone number, name of school (if relevant))
- information about your pupil’s characteristics (such as sex, learning or accessibility needs); and
- medical and emergency information (such as medication, conditions and emergency contacts)
The lawful basis on which we use this information
We collect and use the information ensuring that we comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA2018) requirements for processing through:
- Article 6(1)(a) Consent – the individual has given clear consent for you to process their personal data for a specific purpose
- Article 9(2)(a) – Explicit consent of the data subject, unless reliance on consent is prohibited by EU or Member State law; and
- Sch.1, Pt.4, 1 – Appropriate policy document and additional safeguards condition, for processing under the DPA2018
Please note that no automated decision making (decisions taken without a person involved) occurs for any parts of these activities controlled by the County Council. The County Council does not use profiling as part of the service.
Storing and securing data
The information provided to us will be held within the County Council SharePoint system. The information held will be kept in line with our retention schedule and then disposed of as appropriate. The information is encrypted when in transit between County Council users of the system and the data centre the information is hosted within.
The County Council takes its data security responsibilities seriously and has policies and procedures in place to ensure the personal data held is:
- prevented from being accidentally or deliberately compromised
- accessed, altered, disclosed or deleted only by those authorised to do so
- accurate and complete in relation to why we are processing it
- continually accessible and usable with daily backups; and
- protected by levels of security ‘appropriate’ to the risks presented by our processing.
The County Council also ensures its IT Department is certified to the internationally recognised standard for information security management, ISO27001.
Who do we share information with?
We do not share information with anyone unless there is a lawful basis that allows us to do so.
Depending on the individual circumstances of each situation, we may have to share this information with other teams within the County Council to fulfil other duties and powers to support our work. We may also share information through the County Council’s role in the Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) to comply with their statutory duties.
Requesting access to your personal data and your rights
Under data protection legislation, individuals have the right to request access to information about them that we hold. To make a request for your personal information, or someone you have responsibility for, please contact the Children’s Services Department’s Subject Access Request (SAR) Team.
You also have the right to:
- withdraw your consent
- prevent processing for the purpose of direct marketing
- object to decisions being taken by solely automated means
- in certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and
- claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the Data Protection regulations
Contact details
If you would like to contact Stubbington Study Centre, please see: How to find Stubbington Study Centre.
Further information
The above information is the specific privacy notice for this service. For more information about your rights in relation to your personal data, see the County Council’s general privacy notice.
You have some legal rights in respect of the personal information we collect from you. See our Data Protection page for further details.
You can contact the County Council’s Data Protection Officer by email [email protected].
If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, you should raise your concern with us in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office.