Improvements to the Services Portal
From your feedback, we've made some changes to the Services Portal and they'll be ready to use soon
- Finding help and who to contact
We've made it easier to find your organisation administrator contacts. They are the people to get in touch with if you can't see the content or services that you should.
The 'help' section on your dashboard now shows a list of all your admin contacts. In the future, new services might have their own help content. Links to this content will appear here too.
- Navigating in the Services Portal
- Managing users in roles
Organisation Administrators will soon be able to manage all the users in a role and even assign a role to all the users in the organisation.
The new Manage roles tile:
Will show a list of all the roles for services your organisation is subscribed to.
Choose a role, and you can then see all users currently assigned. Option buttons let you assign/remove that role to all users in your organisation.
These changes will be in the Services Portal from Thursday 2 January.