Civilian Military Partnership (CMP)

The strategic Civilian Military Partnership (CMP) Board underpins the delivery of the Covenant

It ensures that County Council services meet the identified needs of the armed forces community.

The CMP is chaired by Councillor Andrew Joy, Armed Forces Champion. All County Council departments are represented, together with senior representatives from all three armed services, charities and other relevant partners.

The CMP has a 3 year partnership action plan which identifies priorities. In some areas partnership subgroups have been established.

The over-riding priority themes are:

  • Communities and Equalities
  • Covenant delivery
  • Economic Development and Employment
  • Education
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Infrastructure
  • Reserves & Cadets

Various seminars and conferences are hosted by the CMP and/or County Council.

The CMP Board has produced an annual report for 2023 which gives a flavour of some of the work it has been doing.