Public notice
will for an experimental period of 18 months suspend / extend and/or provide new parking, waiting and loading, bus and taxi areas in the following specified roads in the Aldershot town centre area: (i) Alexandra Road (ii) Court Road (iii) Frederick Street (iv) High Street (v) Station Road (vi) Victoria Road Full details of the scheme are available in the associated documents – please see further details below on how to obtain these. This includes several changes to the existing experimental order (which this order shall continue with some variations) The Order provides that in pursuance of section 10(2) of the Act, the authorised officer may, if it appears essential in the interests of the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of traffic on the highway or for preserving or improving the amenities of the area through which any road affected by the Order runs, modify or suspend the Order or any of its provisions.
Highways – Permanent Traffic Order Notices from Hampshire County Council in Rushmoor area
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hampshire County Council made the above-mentioned Order on 10th December 2024, in exercise of its powers and duties under Sections 9 and 10(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the Act”) and of all other enabling powers, after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act and having discharged its duty under section 122 of the Act.
THE GENERAL NATURE AND EFFECT OF THE ORDER :- will for an experimental period of 18 months suspend / extend and/or provide new parking, waiting and loading, bus and taxi areas in the following specified roads in the Aldershot town centre area:
(i) Alexandra Road
(ii) Court Road
(iii) Frederick Street
(iv) High Street
(v) Station Road
(vi) Victoria Road
Full details of the scheme are available in the associated documents – please see further details below on how to obtain these. This includes several changes to the existing experimental order (which this order shall continue with some variations)
The Order provides that in pursuance of section 10(2) of the Act, the authorised officer may, if it appears essential in the interests of the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of traffic on the highway or for preserving or improving the amenities of the area through which any road affected by the Order runs, modify or suspend the Order or any of its provisions.
DATE OF OPERATION: The order will come into force on Saturday 28th December 2024 and continue in force until Sunday 28th July 2026.
FURTHER DETAILS: A copy of this notice, the order as made, a map showing the location and effects of the scheme, a statement of reasons and the orders to be suspended/varied/ may be viewed at or inspected during the usual office hours at the following places:
(i) Aldershot Library, 109 High Street, Aldershot GU11 1DQ (Opening hours : Mondays 9.30 – 1.30; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 9.30 – 5)
(ii) Rushmoor Borough Council Offices, Farnborough Road, Farnborough GU14 7JU (Opening hours : Mondays to Fridays 9 – 2)
(iii) Hampshire County Council Headquarters, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UD (Opening hours : Mondays to Thursdays 8.30 – 5.15; Fridays 8.30 – 4.45)
(iv) Copies of the Notice of Making and the Order as made can also be obtained by e-mailing [email protected] or by writing to Traffic Orders Team, Safer Roads and Parking, Universal Services, The Castle, Winchester SO23 8UD quoting reference : A2078/MJB
OBJECTIONS TO MAKING THE ORDER PERMANENT: The County Council will be considering in due course whether the provisions of the order should be continued in force indefinitely. Any person may object to the making of an order for this purpose and such objections must be sent in writing to the undersigned, quoting reference A2078/MJB, by Saturday 28th June 2025. Persons wishing to make objections or other representations are advised that in the order-making process, objections or other representations may become publicly available and therefore the names and addresses of those persons making objections or other representations may also be made publicly available.
APPLICATION TO THE HIGH COURT: Any person wishing to question the validity of the Order or of any of the provisions contained therein on the grounds that it is not within the relevant powers of the Act, or that any of the relevant requirements thereof or of any relevant regulations made thereunder have not been complied with in relation to the Order may, within six weeks of the date on which the Order was made, make application for that purpose to the High Court.
PATRICK BLOGG, Director of Universal Services, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 0PT
Matthew Barry Safer Roads & Parking TRO Team Universal Services, The Castle Winchester, S023 8UJ 0370 779 8573Email: [email protected]