Susie the childminder

Susie can help you and your friends keep safe and also prepare for emergencies that may happen in your home and community

  • Birthday Surprise

    Birthday Surprise book cover

    Susie and the children discover whether anyone has remembered the twins' birthday and hear how Josie saved the day and kept everyone safe when the smoke alarm went off.

    Read Birthday Surprise

  • Paddling Up Stream

    Paddling Up Stream book cover

    Put on your wellies! Lydia and her friends are at the river learning how to keep safe in and around water as she attempts to save a lost duckling, or so she thinks!

    Read Paddling Up Stream

  • Snowflakes and Icicles

    Snowflakes and Icicles book cover

    As the magical snowflakes and icicles decorate the lane where Susie the childminder lives, the villagers need to work together to keep everyone safe. Find out if the children make it to Susie's house when the school is closed, and if Nanny Dot manages to find the precious stone from her 50 year old brooch.

    Read Snowflakes and Icicles

  • Snowflakes and Icicles activities

    After you have read Snowflakes and Icicles, print out these fun activities. See if you can remember what you learnt from Susie and the children.

    Being prepared
    How to keep your elderly neighbours safe

    Keeping safe during cold and icy weather
    Remember the snow safety messages

    Looking after our world
    Think of ways you can travel instead of using the car

  • Sun, Sea and Seashells

    Sun, Sea and Seashells book cover

    Susie and the children are at Susie's beach hut by the sea, discovering how the contents of the ‘Rainy Day Box’ can help to keep them safe from the hot sun as they build castles of sand, play in the sea and collect buckets of seashells from the beach.

    Read Sun, Sea and Seashells

  • Sun, Sea and Seashells activities

    After you have read Sun, Sea and Seashells, print out these fun activities. See if you can remember what you learnt from Susie and the children

    Being prepared
    How to keep you and your neighbours safe in scorching hot weather

    Keeping safe
    Remember what you can do to keep yourself safe in the sun

    Looking after our world
    How to save water in a heat wave

  • The Flood

    The Flood book cover

    Join the children to find out what happens one very wet afternoon on the day the pet show was moved to Susie the childminder's house.

    Read The Flood

  • The Flood activities

    After you have read The Flood, print out these fun activities. See if you can remember what you learnt from Susie and the children.

    Being prepared
    What would you put in your emergency grab bag?

    Keeping safe during an emergency
    How would you get help in an emergency?

    Looking after our world
    What can you do to help?

  • Journey to School

    Journey to School book cover

    The children are going back to school and Susie has got them some great gifts to help them get there safely.

    Read Journey to School

  • Travelling Back in Time to School

    Travelling back in time to school book cover

    Susie and the children retrace Nanny Dot's journey to school back in 1946 and realise how very different the traffic was in those days. Will Kit's idea be a success and will Nanny Dot realise who was behind the surprise?

    Read Travelling back in time to school

  • Travelling Back In Time activities

    This book raises awareness of sustainable transport and highlights issue around road safety. When you have read the book, why not try some of these related activities in class or at home?

    KS1 Crossword challenge
    See if you can solve the clues which lead to a car-free, safer school run.

    KS1/2 Letter home
    Why not write a letter to your grown-ups at home to explain about “Park and Stride” and any ideas you have to suggest for your School Travel Plan? Perhaps you can help to make your school run safer too.

    KS2 Extension Ideas For Use By Teachers
    This book introduces children to the idea of a School Travel plan and how they can travel to and from school in a safe and sustainable way. This document contains suggestions to extend the children's learning through Maths and English. They can be used as standalone activities or integrated into a whole school sustainability week.

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