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Urgent enquiries

If your enquiry is urgent you should contact the Customer Support Team and they’ll help you find the best way to resolve your issue.

Please check the details of our urgency criteria:

Criteria Enquiry type and scenario
Pay and salary


You have viewed your payslip ahead of pay day and believe that you are going to be overpaid.


Your basic pay has been underpaid by a significant level and this will put you under financial hardship (i.e. you have received less that 85% of your normal basic pay).

Your overtime has been underpaid and this is of a significant level that will put you under financial hardship (i.e. you have received less that 85% of your expected overtime).

You have confirmed that your manager approved the overtime prior to payroll closing.

No payment made

A foster carer has not been paid.



You are a manager needing to report a leaver after payroll has run.

Portal worklist

Unable to approve

It is near the payroll deadline and the manager is unable to approve hours, sickness or leave.

A manager has taken an unexpected absence and has not set up a substitution.

Approvals are required for urgent processing.


P-card lost or stolen

Your P-card has been lost or stolen.

P-card not working

You are trying to use your P-Card for an urgent payment or you are mid transaction online, and the P-Card is not working.

Care payments

Information for care payments

You are a social worker and you require details of care payments to take to a safeguarding meeting.


Collecting cash (sterling/foreign currency)

You are due to pick up cash (Sterling/foreign currency) from the bank but the bank are not accepting authority.

Supplier invoice

Have not been paid

You have been contacted by a small business, whose invoice has not been paid within the payment terms.

A supplier has notified you that they will be taking legal action through non payment.

A supplier has notified you that they are withdrawing services supplied or putting the account 'on stop' due to non payment.


The Customer Support Team is committed to ensuring all enquiries are resolved to your satisfaction. You’ll always have the opportunity to feedback on the quality of service you’ve received through our customer survey and we’ll use this feedback to further develop the service. However, if you are dissatisfied with the service you’ve received it’s important to know that you can ask the advisor to escalate your enquiry to a Manager to discuss your concerns within 24 hours.

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact the Customer Support Team

If you are unable to find the answer to your query, we are here to:

  • help you to self-serve
  • provide support in resolving general queries
  • Use the webchat icon at the bottom of this page to talk to a member of our Customer Support Team

Webchat is available on over 84 guidance pages. Use the webchat icon to speak to a specialist advisor during office hours.

Our office hours are 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Friday.

If you need assistance outside of office hours, you can raise an enquiry.