Displaced children and displaced siblings

Rising birth rates mean that sometimes schools are not able to offer places to all their catchment children.

Displaced children

Parents who apply in the normal admission round for their child's Year R, Year 3 (junior school) or Year 7 place who are:

  • refused a place at their catchment school and
  • not offered a place at a higher named preference school and
  • offered a place at a non-catchment school

are considered to be displaced children.

Community and voluntary controlled junior schools in Hampshire give higher priority to children who were displaced to their linked infant school. Refer to the school's admission policy for more details.

Displaced siblings

Many parents wish to send their children to the same school. An application for a brother or sister to join the same non-catchment school will be considered as a displaced sibling if:

  • the first child was admitted as a displaced child and
  • is still attending the school or its linked infant or junior and will still be on roll at the time of the siblings admission and
  • the children remain living in the catchment area of the school from which the first child was displaced

Later children in the family unit will also be considered as displaced siblings if:

  • a sibling is still attending the school or linked infant or junior school and
  • they remain living in the catchment area of the school from which the first was displaced

The County Admission Team has a record of every child who was refused a place at their catchment school in the normal admissions round. Displaced children and displaced siblings are identified using these records.