When and how an EP might become involved
There are several different ways that an Educational Psychologist (EP) can be involved with a child or young person. These are largely facilitated by the child or young person’s education setting.
As part of our work with the school, we will meet with the school to discuss their priorities and agree what we will become involved with and what that will include.
Learn more information about our work in schools.
If, as a parent or carer, you want your child or young person’s school to involve an EP through their agreed time, please discuss this with the school.
Education, health and care needs assessment (EHCNA)
An education, health, and care needs assessment (EHCNA) is the formal/legal process that children and young people go through to assess whether they might need an education, health and care plan (EHCP).
EHCPs are created to provide additional assistance to children and young people beyond what’s available through a setting’s special educational needs support.
Parents, young people aged 16 and above, and staff members from different educational settings can request an EHCNA. These settings include preschools, schools, colleges, and education centres.
If the local authority decides that an EHCNA will be needed, we’ll be asked to provide advice. In this situation, we will try to arrange a meeting or conversation with the child or young person, their parents or caregivers, and the staff members from the educational setting. Our level of involvement will differ between cases but can include consultations, observations, and direct work with the child or young person.
Telephone support line
Open Wednesday and Thursday 9.30am to 11am, term time only.
Our confidential telephone line is a free way for parents and carers in Hampshire to access information from Educational Psychologists. We are on hand to talk through the problems facing you and your child, whether that’s by listening to you think aloud, giving you helpful strategies, or signposting you to other contacts or services.
When you call, a member of our support team will take your details and then ask an EP to ring you back. Please be aware that we often experience a high volume of calls. Phone calls typically last about 15 to 20 minutes.
We are unable to provide referrals through this service.