Hampshire Teachers' Liaison Panel (TLP)

How can the TLP help?

Did you know that as a teacher your union represents you and your views on the Hampshire TLP?

The Hampshire TLP represents teachers' interests in consultation and negotiation with the Local Authority and is, as a body, elected from the five recognised headteacher and teacher unions (ASCL, NAHT, NASUWT, NEU and VOICE). The Panel currently consists of a number of teachers/headteachers and an elected secretary.

Hampshire fund facility time to allow TLP members to discharge their responsibilities and the body meets each half term to discuss developments and issues, and twice in the year meets with the County’s Children's Services senior management team. It also elects representatives to other Hampshire groups:

  • Conditions of Service Working Party – which negotiates with Education Personnel Services, and consists of the six county secretaries and TLP Secretary.
  • Curriculum Assessment and Pedagogy Group – which discusses inspector/adviser/curriculum development work.
  • Members advisory panel for education – which meets the county councillors.
  • Schools Forum – a decision making body for school funding/budgets.
  • Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education – religious education body.
  • Health and Safety – supports representatives and negotiates advice.
  • Hampshire Unions and Associations Group/Joint Consultative Group (HUAG/JCG) – which meets and negotiates with all unions (Unison, Unite, GMB, etc.) that work in Hampshire.
  • County Briefing Groups – area meetings to discuss particular school situations.
  • Meetings with Executive Members – prior to their decision making days.
  • Children's Services Consultation Group – meets with children's services managers and the non-teaching unions.
  • Individual Casework – supports a network of caseworkers that help individual teachers.

TLP secretary

Liz Muir
[email protected]
Phone: 07909 155822

County secretaries

Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL):
Jon Beck
[email protected]

National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT):
Julie Kelly
[email protected]

National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT):
Faye Mylward
[email protected]

National Education Union (NEU):
Susan Kent
[email protected]
