Functional Skills
Functional Skills are qualifications in English, Mathematics and ICT designed to equip learners with the practical skills needed to live, learn and work successfully
We deliver English and Maths Functional Skills qualifications in English, Mathematics and ICT from Entry level 1 to level 2. The qualification is designed to assess the fundamental skills of English and maths and help to prepare people with the skills that they may need in their working lives
We use Pearson’s qualifications and learners sit these via online or paper based assessments.
- English is comprised of reading, writing and speaking, listening and communication elements.
- Maths is assessed through a calculator and non-calculator exam.
- Essential digital skills (ICT) are also delivered as part of our Functional Skills provision to equip learners with the IT skills they need to function successfully in the modern world.
To find out more, visit the Pearson's Functional Skills webpage.

Email us to find out more [email protected].