Managing change

Change is a normal part of life, but sometimes if feels like there is too much change happening all at once. These resources are aimed at helping you manage change in a constructive way.

Change curve

Organisational change is an increasingly common aspect of life in many schools but can leave employees feeling unsettled and anxious. The change curve is widely used in change management to help describe individual’s reactions to significant change or upheaval. Much like how change is complex, so are individual’s reactions to it. It important to remember that people accept and adapt to change in their own time. This means that employees may move through the stages at different speeds or may not follow or experience all of the change stages.

This model helps in explaining the feelings and reactions of individuals who are exposed to change and provides useful guidance on what you can do to support your staff at each stage of the process to increase the likelihood of successfully implementing organisation change.

Download the Change Curve model

Growth Mindset

This resilience habit enables you to reconsider your reactions and really feel good about your learning. When things go wrong, or you make a mistake, you’re more likely to feel embarrassed or foolish, or to blame someone else, than to feel good about your learning. This habit helps you to change your perception of what happened. There is so much to learn from the process of routinely taking those moments and treating them as a surprise. Keeping a surprise journal is a deceptively simple, incredibly effective personal development practice.

Download the Growth Mindset habit


Resilient people remember what they appreciate and value in their life, routinely. You can do this too by identifying 3 things each day that you value in your life, that you are grateful for, or by simply stating the best bits of the day. You’ll find, even when things are tough, that reflecting in this way contributes to feeling glad, or a little bit better, routinely

Download the Today's Best Bits habit

Where does our time go?

Use this tool to identify how you use your time. Visualising this will help you to think about whether you are making the most of the time available to you, or whether you would like to make some changes.

Download the Where Does Our Time Go tool

Managing Change

Advice from Health Assured (only available to those whose schools have bought into the Health Assured service).

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