Habits of resilience

These resources can help you to work resilience into your working day

Glass half full

When people are negative in their approach and responses, it has a draining effect on others and even on the atmosphere in meetings and across teams.

This set of self-coaching questions enables you to gradually change your approach from pessimism and grumpiness, which can bring people down, to realistic optimism, which energises and uplifts people instead.

Download the Glass Half Full habit

Comfort Zone

If you want to learn to swim, you have to practice in the swimming pool. If you need to unwind and relax, the jacuzzi is the better place to be.

Let’s relate this to performance at work: if you stay in the jacuzzi, where you feel comfortable and safe, you are not going to develop and grow in your role. If you are in the pool, swim some breadths and progress to lengths, you’ll discover the fulfilment that challenge and discover bring.

Download the Comfort Zone habit

5 Whys

Resilient people know what they stand for, and why they do the job they have chosen to do.

Knowing your qualities, strengths, purpose and values gives you a strong core. Reminding yourself of these during difficult times and through challenging circumstances will keep you more focused and stable.

Download the 5 Whys habit

Take 2!

Resilient people reflect on significant moments and situations from each day so that they review what they can learn and do differently next time.

Writing down your reflections and taking stock in this way means you are much more likely to remember your intentions and behave in the way you would choose, than if you simply think about these points. Something shifts between thinking and expressing yourself in the written word.

Download the Take 2! habit

Uphill Struggle

Most people nowadays feel like they are carrying a heavy workload, The reality is unlikely to change. What can change though is your personal resource, your ability to deal with it – to ‘keep well’, to feel strong and to have the stamina to keep going. Resilient people are attentive to all the aspects illustrated here, in particular the content of the load and the amount they are carrying.

What do you really need to be carrying today? What are your true priorities that are manageable and what do you do with the rest? How do you manage, negotiate, shed and share workload?

Download the Uphill Struggle habit

How are you feeling?

Complete the Self Assessment Tool to identify areas where you feel less resilient.