Pond study

Investigate the range of creatures living in a pond

Pond Study
Learning objective

One-hour Pond Session: To identify species (using a key) and explain how they are adapted to their habitat.

Two-hour Pond Session: To identify species using a key and explain how they are adapted to their habitat. To compare species living in two different habitats.


During this 1-hour or 2-hour session, children have an opportunity to dip in one of our ponds and look closely at the creatures living there.

The one-hour session starts at a log circle, with the children becoming familiar with the creatures they may find as they dip. They will then move to a pond to dip and finish the session sharing and discussing some of their finds.

The two-hour session starts in the classroom, where a more in-depth look at the centre’s ponds and creatures they might find is discussed. In pairs, the children then have an opportunity to dip to collect a range of creatures. The troughs are then brought back to the classroom. During the second part of the session, the children have an opportunity to investigate what is in their trough, using a range of guides, books and magnifying equipment. A comparison of what is found different ponds is also possible.

Key information

One-hour or two-hour session

This is available for Key Stage 2 children; an adapted version is available for Key Stage 1 children.

The key focus for this is - Environment