Employee Support (Employee Assistance Programme)
The Employee Support line is available to school staff where the school has an individual agreement for this. If you do not know if this applies to your school, then please ask a member of your School’s Leadership team. If applicable these services are available to you while you work for the service and for up to 3 months after you have left.
Where an agreement is in place, you have access to free, confidential and impartial Employee Support, provided by Health Assured. With one phone call you can get help rather than allowing your concerns to grow.
- Using the service
Contact the service direct, no need for a referral:
- freephone 0800 028 0199
- outside the UK +44 161 836 9498 (calls will be charged)
- online support
Employee Code: MHA006393
- Support available
These services are free, confidential and available to all staff and their immediate family members:
- a 24 hour a day, 365 day a year confidential telephone advice and information line covering a wide range of issues including work, personal and family related
- a website with a wide range of useful advice ranging from your health to emotional wellbeing to finances.
Find out more about the services and support offered through Employee Support.
- What can it be used for?
You can contact the service for all kinds of different reasons, whether they are work-related or personal.
Reasons you can call Health Assured include:
Personal Life
- Anxiety/depression
- Separation
- Benefit advice
- Eldercare
- Abuse
- Buying a new home
- Getting married
- Family friction
- Postnatal depression
- Raising children
- Bereavement
- Legal problems
- Unplanned pregnancy
- Addiction
- Infertility
- Miscarriage
- Anxiety disorder
- Issues relating to protected characteristics (ie sexual orientation, transgender, gender identity, disability, race, religion and belief etc).
Work Issues
- Starting a new job
- Returning to work
- Increased responsibility
- Dealing with conflict
- Managing change
- General work stress
- Flexible working
Managing Finances
- Managing debt
- Controlling credit cards
- Benefit entitlement
- Money management
- Living on reduced income
- Identity theft
- Terminal illness
- Depression
- Drug/alcohol abuse
- Living with long term illness
- Car accident/injury
- Travel advice
- Coming to terms with retiring
- Coping with change
- Early retirement
- Relationships after retiring
- Online support and logging in
A wide range of useful advice and information is available:
- Emotional support videos & factsheets
- Online mini health checks
- Medical factsheets
- Personal coaching
- Fitness advice & exercise videos
- Personal 4 week programmes & challenges
- E-coaching webinars
- Health Assured NEW Mobile App for School employees (only)
‘My Wisdom’ provides an enhanced set of wellbeing tools and engaging features.
- Weekly mood tracker – tracks moods on a weekly basis in relation to physical, financial and general wellbeing
- Four weekly plans providing support to quit smoking, lose weight and many more
- Mini health checks
- Breathing techniques
- Personalisation – you can select topics to populate your personalised newsfeed based on your interests
- Support – contact a counsellor for in the moment support via the chat function
- Support available through live video chat with a counsellor
How to Download & register My Wisdom
Employee Code: MHA006393
- Manager referral
If you are a manager and feel a staff member may benefit from this support, speak to them in the first instance and offer to make contact with Health Assured on their behalf.
If they consent, complete the online Manager’s Helpline Referral form.