Participate in a Teams meeting
Learn how to join a meeting remotely, present and add additional attendees
Joining a meeting remotely
As a remote attendee you should be able to join as you normally would any Teams meeting. See guidance for Join a meeting in Teams. Once joined you will be connected with the meeting room video bar directly. You will then see the physical meeting room and attendees.
When there are multiple remote attendees in the meeting plus a meeting room, the room will appear as a square and you may not see all people in the physical meeting room. If you would like to see everyone in the room, right click on the meeting room image and select 'fix to frame'.
Presenting through the meeting room screen
To present through the screen you will need to join the meeting virtually using your device.
When joining from your device as a physical attendee (you are in the meeting room) your device will automatically be muted. This will prevent feedback noise.
You can then share your screen as you normally would in a Teams meeting.

Adding additional attendees to your meeting
You can add additional attendees to your meeting directly through the meeting room screen whilst your meeting is in progress.
Select 'add participant' and search by name for the person you want to add.
You can also dial in a participant using their phone number. Please note this can be used to call external phone numbers which will connect only audio.

If you require further assistance when using meeting room technology please contact FM team on 01962 832400 or via email [email protected].